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Shannon Biggs

Shannon Biggs

Shannon Biggs co-founded Movement Rights in 2014 to work with tribes and primarily communities of color to align human laws with the laws of the natural world. Prior to that she was with Global Exchange for 12 years, where she directed Community & Nature’s Rights program. At that time she was among a handful of US organizers to articulate and spread the ideas that have become a vibrant global movement for the Rights of Nature. She is a co-founder and Executive Committee member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature. In addition to working with communities in California to pass rights-based laws, in 2017 Movement Rights assisted the Ponca Nation of Oklahoma to make history as the first tribe to recognize the Rights of Nature in tribal law. Since that time 5 other tribes in North America have recognized legal standing for tribal ecosystems. Globally, she has worked with Indigenous communities, led Rights of Nature fact-finding delegations in India, New Zealand, Bolivia and Ecuador, and organized and participated in international Rights of Nature Tribunals. She is the co-author of two books, Building the Green Economy: Success Stories from the Grass Roots and The Rights of Nature: Making the Case for the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth. She was a senior staffer at International Forum on Globalization (IFG) and a Lecturer in International Relations and Environment at SFSU and holds a Masters in Economics, Empire and Decolonization from the London School of Economics (LSE).


NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth is a nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative dedicated to catalyzing efforts in US-Russian relations to reduce the escalating nuclear danger and to working with people in Russia and all countries to move towards a world without nuclear weapons.

Women Transforming our Nuclear Legacy (WTONL) and Bering Strait for Peace are nonprofit, nonpartisan initiatives of NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth.

All contributions are tax-deductible and made directly to our fiscal sponsor, the Inter-Nation Cultural Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) global donor-direct nonprofit established in California in 1998. 

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