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Women Transforming

Our Nuclear Legacy

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Mentoring Session Four

"Mentoring to Transform Our Nuclear Legacy"

Saturday, February 27th, 2021
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time 
Via Zoom 

Followed by Special Post Session Chat

We invite you to share your mentoring stories!


We all have mentors who have inspired and guided us in our work. We invite you to share your mentoring stories,

honoring those who have mentored you,

and those you have mentored,

as we work together

to transform our nuclear legacy.


Post Session Chat - 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific

Via Zoom


Opening Blessing:

  • Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner Kumu Hula Puna Dawson will offer a blessing for peace and indigenous wisdom for our session

Mentor Presenters:

  • Sheva Carr, CEO, Heart Ambassadors & Co-Vice President, UN Peace Messenger Organization, Pathways to Peace

  • Rebecca Irby,  Founding Partner and Executive Director, PEAC Institute

  • Cecili Thompson Williams, Executive Director, Beyond the Bomb


We are all in this together!


NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth is a nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative dedicated to catalyzing efforts in US-Russian relations to reduce the escalating nuclear danger and to working with people in Russia and all countries to move towards a world without nuclear weapons.

Women Transforming our Nuclear Legacy (WTONL) and Bering Strait for Peace are nonprofit, nonpartisan initiatives of NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth.

All contributions are tax-deductible and made directly to our fiscal sponsor, the Inter-Nation Cultural Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) global donor-direct nonprofit established in California in 1998. 

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